Freelancer Denis Rudenko
$ 15

3D Modeler Denis Rudenko, Design Media Architecture

Denis Rudenko
Ukraine, Mykolaiv
Joined Mar 16, 2020

About Denis

Hello, i'm Denis from Ukraine and this is what i can make for you. Take a video or set of images and create a high quality animated GIF image/banner from them. I can create gifs for any social media platform. Mostly i specialize in product placement on banners. It can be any size and any duration, as long as it is reasonable. I can convert from mo...Expand



Dmytrii Zmiievets
I highly recommend Denis. He was attentive to details and absolutely ready to make some revisions. I'll be working with him on other projects.
Mar 29, 2020

About freelancer

Denis Rudenko
(2 reviews)
Joined Mar 2020
Last seen
3 years ago
Hello, i'm Denis from Ukraine and this is what i can make for you. Take a video or set of images and create a high quality animated GIF image/banner from them. I can create gifs for any social media platform. Mostly i specialize in product placement on banners. It can be any size and any duration, as long as it is reasonable. I can convert from most image and video formats, and I can also add things like particle effects, different transitions, animated text, etc.

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