Freelancer Veena Devasia
$ 200

Front End Developer Veena Devasia, Websites, IT & Software

Veena Devasia
India, Bengaluru
Joined Sep 15, 2020

About Veena

I am an M.Tech post graduated with experience in front end development using Angular framework for the last 6 months. I am a quick learner and highly passionate about pursuing a career in this field. I have knowledge in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Angular framework. I have designed and developed various web applications, worked with mobile app developers to interface with native app features.Expand



About freelancer

Veena Devasia
Joined Sep 2020
Last seen
3 years ago
I am an M.Tech post graduated having experience in front end development using Angular for the last 6 months. I am a quick learner and highly passionate about pursuing a career in this field. I have knowledge in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Angular framework. I have designed and developed various web applications,worked with mobile app developers to interface with native app features.

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