Freelancer Varun Tandon
$ 15

Full stack developer Varun Tandon, Websites, IT & Software

Varun Tandon
Joined May 28, 2021

About Varun

Hello I am Varun Tandon. I have a great knowledge of full stack development and I can create any land in page

About freelancer

Varun Tandon
Joined May 2021
Last seen
2 years ago

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Daniel Dariya
Nigeria, Lagos
Web Developer, Frontend Developer, UI/UX Daniel Dariya, Websites, IT & Software
I am a highly motivated and progress-focused Developer with a long-standing background in this industry. With a track record of initiative and dependability, I have devised strategic initiatives which I believe will prove valuable to you Throughout the course of my career, I have perfected my product designs, web design/web development and IT personnel abilities. I am a capable and consistent problem-solver skilled at prioritizing and managing projects with proficiency. A web developer, diligent professional with documented success handling all customer requests and inquiries. Energetic individual with enthusiasm and aspiration to work hard. Punctual, reliable, and willing to work. Self-motivated Web Developer with high level of experience working on multiple projects. Passionate and hardworking with penchant for meeting deadlines. Goal-oriented with strong commitment to collaboration and solutions-oriented problem-solving. Use various web design software to develop customer-focused websites and designs. Committed to high standards of web design, user experience, usability, and speed for multiple types of end-users. Successful at maintaining customer satisfaction through effective customer support. Creative UX Designer with 6 years developing innovative, approachable user experience frameworks for all products. Skilled at diverging from UX norms without alienating users. Ceaselessly focused on user-centric design decisions. Accomplished at creating wholly new frameworks that feel completely familiar to ease user adoption.
Websites, IT & Software
Frontend Development
Full Stack Development
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