Freelancer Jayesh Sawant
$ 45

Project Manager - ERP/SAP/IT Jayesh Sawant, Websites, IT & Software

Jayesh Sawant
Joined Dec 11, 2020

About Jayesh

Jayesh has experience in a multitude of SAP/IT/ERP projects and will have no trouble leading, planning and executing small, medium and large-scale SAP/IT/ERP implementations/Rollout and Support projects. He is someone who never loses her attention to detail and always ensures a high quality of excellence. In his current role he frequently contribu...Expand


Project Manager

About freelancer

Jayesh Sawant
Joined Dec 2020
Last seen
3 years ago

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Shariful Alam
Bangladesh, Dhaka
Agile | Product Manager | Project Manager | CSM® Shariful Alam, Websites, IT & Software
I like to work with business problems and solve them with modern technology. I maintain, expend, and create products that impact the business. To perform this, I focus on the critical points of the results, develop efficient teams, and adopt new insights within the shortest possible time. I like to explore as a consequence; I got the chance to work many roles throughout my career in project manager, product manager, scrum master, branding, and strategy. From my long experience, I learned the following aspects of my personal and professional: # I am successful in creating, scaling, and optimizing any product from scratch to revenue steps. - I always stay firm with the right decision, but I depend on exact data to make the decision - I open every possible door to have any ideas from any sources - To create the right product, I always valued customers and make them my center point # I can arrange, lead, and grow efficient teams from 5 to 50 people. - I like to win, but it gives me more joy to win with the team - I love to use tech words rather than theoretical talks - I can narrate to motive the teams in both ways as a leader or servant leader depend on the situation # I focus on my education to be a better person. - Naturally, I like to explore and learn because I want to update myself always - Whenever I faced trouble, I stay clam to overcome - About decision making, I focus on quality I always open to hear and accept new perspectives from new people. If you wish or you need, feel free to reach out to me about creating products, emerging tech, or making a tech-friend. In my professional career, I have more than 10 years of working experience in - Agile Development | Product Management | Project Management | Scrum | Team Development | Business Development | Business Branding | Business Marketing
Websites, IT & Software
Product Managment
Scrum Development
Agile Project Management
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