Freelancer Komal Mane

Security Advisor, Cloud Computing, Content Writing, Frontend & Backend Developer, Designer Komal Mane, Websites It Software

Komal Mane
India, Lower Paren
Joined Feb 25, 2020

About Komal

Have an ability to create an eye-catching website as per the requirements, any thumbnail designing required for the youtube channels or other business related things will be made available to you in an efficient way, being from a Information Security background can help you with various security solutions which is needed for your business Expand


About freelancer

Komal Mane
Joined Feb 2020
Last seen
4 years ago
Engineers are viewed as the backbone of modern society. The innovation and the creativity that drives our society forward are inspired by the teachings of engineering, whether it is transporting on a bus or making a phone call, the work of an engineer is experienced. Engineers satisfy both themselves and humanity which is the reason for my passion to become an Engineer. The idea of seeing a project come to life is what provokes my desire to become an engineer. My passion for electronics engineering is seeing how the fundamental theories of Physics and Math can be applied to create an innovative industry. In very concrete ways, engineers aspire greatness in society; they save lives, work to prevent disease and protect our planet.I believe that i can never seek true pleasure from my work unless it serves for the betterment of humanity. Consequently, I do believe curiosity and the ability to question is crucial to desire to pursue engineering. I do prefer to question the variability of things before fully accepting them and also likes the idea of being in a contentious environment. I also want to pursue a degree and a career in which new challenges and new opportunities will always be in my grasp. As a female, I believe in changing the stereotype of engineering to be male dominant field because I want the world to realize females can contribute to this field greatly. I’m a Maker,a Prodigy, Web Designer, Hacker and an Electronics Engineer.I’m zealously into Network Security programs, Web designing and hacking. Also I do devote most of my time to incumbent with my foreseeing task. I’m totally ingrained into electronics projects, my majorly focused areas are power electronics domain, wireless systems domain, somewhat robotics domain, arduino based projects. Besides this I’m also into Xbox digital art, playing piano. Word to wise: Keep unattended things away from me, as it will likely to be hacked!

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