Freelancer Mayank Maheshwari
$ 30

Software Engineer Mayank Maheshwari, Websites, IT & Software

Mayank Maheshwari
Joined Dec 15, 2020

About Mayank

I'm a 2020 Btech-IT graduate from SRM University, India looking for software engineering internships or jobs to extend my technical skills and abilities for solving real-world problems. My technical skills include Python, Django, Reactjs, Data Structures, AWS, Algorithms, OOPs, Javascript, SQL, and Github. Apart from Software Engineering, I am also taking my learning steps towards Artificial Intelligence.Expand


Associate AWS Developer

About freelancer

Mayank Maheshwari
Joined Dec 2020
Last seen
2 years ago
I'm a 2020 Btech-IT graduate from SRM University, India looking for software engineering internships or jobs to extend my technical skills and abilities for solving real-world problems. My technical skills include Python, Django, Reactjs, Data Structures, AWS, Algorithms, OOPs, Javascript, SQL, and Github. Apart from Software Engineering, I am also taking my learning steps towards Artificial Intelligence.

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